Chief Administrative Officer

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is appointed by Council to assist in setting the direction of the Municipality by providing guidance and advice – based on best practices and emerging trends in municipal government.

He works closely with his counterparts in other municipalities, as well as with both federal and provincial government officials on a variety of issues affecting the Municipality. The CAO is the sole staff member that is accountable directly to Council. The CAO is responsible for all staff in the organization, and in the case of County of Pictou, also acts as the Municipal Clerk and Treasurer.

The CAO’s role is to execute the decisions of Council and to ensure the organization operates within its By-laws, policies and established regulations, whether municipal, federal or provincial. He is responsible for the preparation of the annual budget and recommends tax rates to Council.

About Brian Cullen 

Before becoming the CAO for the Municipality in 2005, Brian had eleven (11) years of municipal experience. He previously served as the Director of Finance for the Municipality of the District of Digby (1994-1996) and their CAO from 1996-2005. 

We welcome your suggestions, questions and involvement in the Municipality's business. The Chief Administrative Officer's office is located on the main floor of the Municipal Administration Building:

46 Municipal Drive, Pictou, Nova Scotia B0K 1H0 Phone: (902) 485-2238 Fax: (902) 485-6475