April 1st Council Highlights
The Municipality of Pictou County held its monthly Council meeting on April 1st: Here are highlights and reports approved from the meeting:
- Construction on the McLellan’s Brook watermain replacement is scheduled to resume April 8, 2019.
- The former Linacy School has been demolished. Application of topsoil and hydroseeding will take place as weather permits.
- 140th Anniversary Celebrations: Staff and Councillors with the Municipality of Pictou County will be a hosting an open house Sunday, April 14 from 1 to 3 p.m. at its administration building at 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou. Former staff, Councillors and the public is welcome to attend.
- A Municipal Grant deadline for the Thorburn Fire Department valued at $3000 has been extended until March 31, 2020.
Council Grants have been approved for:
- Autism Pictou County - $2,500 for “Walk for Autism”
EPRH- Together Forever - $2,500 for Alumni Event hosting expenses
Warm Hearts - $7.500 for Refugee Settlement Expenses.
North Nova Education Centre - $2,000 for five bursaries valued at $200 each plus graduation expenses
- Northumberland Regional High School - $2000 for five bursaries valued at $200 each plus graduation expenses.
- Pictou County Trails Association - $20,000 which is an extension deadline to spend final installment on trail development.