Grant funding helps District 11 community halls upgrade buildings
The MacDonald Rebekah Lodge #108 recently completed its roofing project with funding assistance through a Community Facilities Improvement Program grant of $8,400 and a $5,600 capital grant from the Municipality of Pictou County. The funding was used to replace the south side of the roof and the installation of soffits, fascia and gutters around the Sunny Brae building.
District 11 Coun. Andy Thompson said the building was aging and in need of repairs that not only protect it from further damage, but extend the life of the hall. Thompson said community buildings are very important to rural areas as a place for people to gather and host events and he would like to see more projects like this one go ahead in the future so the buildings are more accessible for the elderly and people with mobility this issues.
Other community centres in District 11 have also benefited from grant applications that include funding from Municipality of Pictou County as well as other levels of government. The Garden of Eden Community Centre received $100,000 in funding through an accessibility grant which will be put towards a new addition on the building that will house two accessible washrooms.
The Bridgeville Community Centre also received $35,000 from the provincial Community Facilities Improvement Program as well as $20,000 from the Municipality of Pictou County for its own accessibility program. This money will allow the Bridgeville hall to have a new addition that will house washrooms and a kitchen area as well as a new septic field.
The Plymouth Community Centre also received a $22,500 CFIP grant to repair its floor in the main hall as well as install an accessible front entrance. It was also the recent recipient of the Solar for Community Building Pilot Program with its application for a solar system. The 22 kW photovoltaic will sell electricity back to Nova Scotia Power at a preferred rate which will help reduce the buildings energy operating costs and make the property sustainable for the long term.