MOPC tables design tender for Plymouth sidewalks
MOPC Council wants more input on how many people will use sidewalks in the Plymouth area before it commits to designing them.
Council was set to vote on a resolution awarding the tender for the design work for sidewalks in the Plymouth (Blue Acres) area, but instead, a motion to table the resolution was put forth so a survey could be done to determine if the sidewalks will be well used.
Coun. David Parker said Council has been discussing sidewalks in this area for about 15 years and it still does not have the answers it needs to move ahead with the project. He said past reports to Council indicated that the province would not allow the bridge that spans MacLellan’s Brook to be modified for pedestrians which means the County would need to build a new pedestrian bridge.
The MOPC said it had estimated in the past of close to $500,000 for a new pedestrian structure while it would cost an additional $200,000 for the sidewalk work. Coun. Parker also recommended that the survey include the Westville Road area since there have been calls for sidewalks there as well.
Coun. Andy Thompson said newly designed sidewalks would be used well and he suggested Council speak with business owners or take time to visit the site themselves to observe people struggling to walk through the area. He said the area is impassable during certain times of the year when the ground is soft.
In a vote of 6 to 5, Council agreed to table the design study until the Fall of 2022 so an additional study of usage could be completed.