Winter Walk Day
Winter is still a great time to walk and be outside! Schools and youth groups are invited to walk at school or around the neighbourhood, walk to school, or go for a hike on Winter Walk Day. Don't let cold, wind, snow or rain keep folks from heading out for a walk. If they dress properly and practice winter safety, they're ready to go! Walking is fun when you walk together. It's good for our bodies because of the extra physical activity. It's good for the Earth if you walk as transportation because it cuts down on the number of polluting cars on our streets.
Schools and youth groups may register on the Ecology Action website and qualify to win a prize. For more information or resources please visit our website.
Winter Walk Day is a partnership of the Ecology Action Centre, Recreation NS’s Take the Roof Off Winter campaign, and NS Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage; it promotes healthy outdoor winter activity in Nova Scotia.